One Thousand Kangaroos
Sunday, 22 October 2023
Saturday, 20 May 2023
Listening - EASY RIDDLES
Why not starting with some easy riddles? We would be practicing our listening skills (also because they need to be read always a few times) and sometimes introducing new vocabulary in a funny way.
Internet is plenty of them, but I found this website´s riddles fun and easy for the younger students. We could also ask the students that win to come out to read the next riddle or simply take turns so in a few days all the class would´ve read one to the rest.
Have a nice day!
All about me - WRITING
This is also a good way to review vocabulary related to different topics: sports, food, colours and so on.
I created a canvas on LINO.IT where the students would post the information required and get to know each other after that simply by asking questions such as: What is your favourite movie? How old are you? How do you come to school?
Please leave a comment if you liked it.
Reading activity - THE LIFE OF KANGAROOS
Also known in Australia as roos, this fascinating animal always motivates our students very much. This activity might be suitable for year 3 Primary School students or older.
With this presentation created on TOME.APP which uses AI our students can practise their reading skills.
For example by reading together in small cooperative groups, where the unknown words can be searched on the dictionary. They could also, once they´ve read it all, take turns to read and explain in front of the rest of the class the part of the presentation they worked on.
This cooperative technique is called PUZZLE, and consists on preparing different parts of a bigger task individually or in small groups and finally put it all together.
Go to the site and click on the play icon to watch the presentation (top right corner).
I hope you liked this idea that I had just to honour the name of this blog. See ya mate!
Speaking activity - HEADS UP
Heads up is a really fun game where one student picks a card and without looking at it need they need to ask questions to guess what is it to their classmates.
This time the topic will be SPORTS and firstly we could guide the students with the YES/NO questions that they can ask depending on their English level. We will form groups of 4 students and they will take turns to guess.Examples of questions and answers.
- Is it basketball? Yes, it is. No, it isn´t. Is it played with a ball? Is it an aquatic sport? Is it a fighting sport?
- Do you play this sport? Yes, I do. No, I don´t.
The student keeps every card they guess correctly. It would be possible to set a limit of questions or introduce certain rules to get the right dynamics of the activity.
¡Queridos alumnos y alumnas de 3º! ¿Sabeis cuál es el juego de la Rana? 1. Accede al documento PDF y sigue los pasos para realizar una act...